Monday Morning Motivation

“A goal is not about what you accomplish. It is about what you become.” 

Michael Hyatt This year has been an incredible one for me. I've checked off some pretty big goals. And, I learned how to be myself without the identify I had carried around for 28 years. I retired from Corporate Life at P&G in July and I found myself again. I was always there, I was… Continue reading “A goal is not about what you accomplish. It is about what you become.” 

Services Procurement

What are Your Tasks on the Axis of Significance?

Hello! It has been a while since I posted anything because... holidays! Mine were wonderful - how about yours? I started to write this post on productivity last week but think I confused productivity with procrastination and, frankly, I'm not the only one who sometimes confuses the two! How so? Well, answer the following for… Continue reading What are Your Tasks on the Axis of Significance?

Sunday Inspiration

Do You Have Uplifting People In Your Life?

"The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best."      Epictetus I like to think I am an organized and goal-oriented person... but I'd like you to meet my friend Wina, a woman on my team in China with whom I've been working for years.… Continue reading Do You Have Uplifting People In Your Life?

Sunday Inspiration

Sunday Inspiration from Athens

My daughter, Kateri, completed the Athens Marathon today. I was nervous for her - running in a country she has never been before and running 26 miles! She did quite well, finishing at 4:18 - quite an impressive time. "The Authentic Marathon" is 122 years old with over 15,000 runners from all over the world… Continue reading Sunday Inspiration from Athens